Commercial ads

Over a number of years, we have compiled evidence of the participation of many Chinese immigrants in the commodification of goods nation-wide. The construction of the Atlantic railroad brought a group of 653 Chinese workers who became the basis of the Chinese merchant community in this country. Once installed at their ease and with the capital generated as laborers, they devoted themselves to creating large networks of Chinese traders that would include convenience shops, clothing stores, wine shops, bars, restaurants, taverns, hotels, gambling joints, snack bars, laundries, grain distributors, cines, gas stations, transportation companies and bakeries, among other businesses.


Printed advertising was found in sources such as Costa Rica de Ayer y Hoy magazine or periodicals such as La Tribuna, el Correo de la Costa, Ecos del Sur, Diario de Costa Rica, El Heraldo, el Correo del Sur, El viajero.